Monday, September 21, 2009

Stomach Problems

Here are my thoughts about stomach problems.

There are simply too many kinds of diseases of the stomach to the list. There are some however are more often than others. Here we briefly discuss some of the most common ailments.


In short, the digestive system associated with a food that is too soon after an unusually spicy eating fatty meal. Indigestion usually causes pain in the middle of the chest. This is usually accompanied by a slightly bloated feeling, excessive wind and nausea. Occasionally a patient really vomit indigestion. Very few people who would be interested in food digestion as the pain often accompanied by a feeling of fullness and loss of appetite.

Indigestion can be caused by smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. It is also known to be caused by too much coffee or tea. Although these specific causes are important, many people suffering from indigestion than as a direct result of stress.


An acid mixture helps to digest food in the stomach and stay away from the esophagus through a sphincter. This allows food to travel to the stomach, but it allows food and acid to travel into the esophagus. If the sphincter, which usually divides the esophagus from the stomach in this way does not work properly, acid can sometimes splash upwards and irritate the esophagus lining. The word "acid" is very descriptive, even when the sphincter is in good condition, acid can irritate the esophagus when you lie or crawl. Of course people with a weak sphincter, found to suffer much more when flat or bend over when they are not upright. While heartburn can be a physical cause, many people who experience this symptom is also caused by stress.


Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach that may be caused by several factors, alcohol, the consumption of a food you are allergic, infection by viruses or by one of a number of other mechanisms are not well understood. There are a number of specific changes in the gastric mucosa in gastritis is present, but in practice almost impossible to distinguish clinically between dyspepsia, gastritis and gastric ulcers without specific research, such as a barium meal examination or an endoscopy.

-peptic ulcer.

An ulcer is simply an ulcer in the upper intestinal tract. Th word "peptic" is used as a synonym for digestion. A stomach ulcer, however, there is one in the stomach, while an ulcer is an ulcer in the duodenum. Swear by all kinds of results an imbalance between the power of the secretions by the stomach and the resistance of the lining of the bowel affected.

-Bowel Ulcers.

The main symptom of a duodenal ulcer is usually pain, and this is often the only symptom that occurs. The pain is usually located in the epigastrium, and, unlike gastric ulcers, eating usually helps relieve the pain. People who duodenal ulcer will often wake up at night and sneak downstairs to get a glass of milk and a biscuit to give them some consolation for the pain. The other factor characteristic of the pain that people with a duodenal ulcer is that it tends to disappear for weeks or even months at a time without cause. But just when you think of their problems go right back.


This is not a symptom caused extensively by the consumption of foods that disrupt the system. Nausea and vomiting may also be a sign of stress and anxiety. Nausea and vomiting are symptoms of acute stress rather than chronic, sustained anxiety.


The normal gastrointestinal tract is said to contain between 100 and 200 milliliters of gas under normal conditions. A normal person for one to often two liters of gas per day. It is clear that there is a tendency for the wind to give outside the gastrointestinal tract on one side or the other.

Wind is produced in the gastrointestinal tract as food is digested, and some foods more likely than others to lead the production of large amounts of wind. Sprouts, cabbage and beans are recognized as affecting fruit known as a pretty bad reputation in this respect. Still can not put the blame vegetables. Some of the wind that causes such embarrassing noises is the intestinal tract in the same way that food, swallowed it. People who chew gum, smoking cigarettes or eating too quickly often swallow air.
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